When manual wheel locks are not used while transferring to and from a wheelchair- A fall will likely occur.
The good news is that these types of falls can easily be prevented using Safer Locks.
Wheelchair falls most commonly occur due to one of the following:
The wheelchair user or caregiver forgets to use the manual wheel locks
The wheelchair user is unable to fully secure the manual locks due to a lack of strength or dexterity
The manual wheel locks are not adjusted correctly and will not properly lock the wheels
Any one of these scenarios can, and eventually will lead to the wheelchair rolling out from the user as they attempt to stand from or sit into the chair.
Our mission from day one has been to eliminate unnecessary injuries and the long-term effects on individuals once a fall occurs.
About 1/3 of the population over 65 will fall yearly, and the risk of falls increases proportionately with age. By age 80, more than half of seniors fall annually
Those who fall are two to three times more likely to fall again
Falls account for 25% of all hospital admissions and 40% of all nursing home admissions. 40% of those admitted never return to living independently
1/3 of seniors have a fear of falling
Falls have a detrimental impact on health and overall well-being. Close to half of seniors report that fear of another fall results in loss of confidence and their restriction of activities
Safer Locks will give wheelchair users, caregivers, and their loved ones, peace of mind in knowing that the wheelchair will always be locked in place every time that transfers take place.
The Aging in Place (Especially those living alone)
Memory Care Facilities
Assisted Living Facilities
Long-Term Care and Rehab Facilities
Any public location offering complimentary wheelchairs to visitors or customers, including:
Government Facilities